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2017.8.29 RELEASE
KRBP-001 | ¥2,000 (tax included)

2012年より、一本のコントラバスのみでステージに立ち、ループステーションを用いて、リズム、ハーモニー、メロディーを次々と重ねてゆくリアルタイム多重録音のライブパフォーマンス”BASSE PLANTE”の活動を開始。
同年、Roland主催、Loop Station World Championship 2012 Japan Finalに出場。以降、都内を中心にライブ活動を行なう。
シュペルガー国際コントラバスコンクール2020 “Innovation Award “部門にて優勝。
Born in Saitama, Japan. Majored in Contrabass and Classical music at College of Toho Gakuen School of Music.
BASSE PLANTE (BP) debuted in 2012, a one-man contrabassist delivering live performances of real-time loop overdub music, meshing together layers and layers of original rhythm, harmony and melody with a Loop Station (Roland (c)).
Later that year, BP performed in the Japan Loop Station World Championship Finals. Since then, BP has continued performing in the greater Tokyo area.
BP challenges musical norms by exploring unique sounds and combinations. It has collaborated with visual artists to produce original soundtracks , and worked with street dancers and painters to create one-of-a-kind musical experiences.
BP's long-awaited first music album "ONE" will be released in August, 2017.
Awarded 1st prize in the ‘Innovation’ category at the International J.M.Sperger Competition for Double Bass 'Quarantine Challenge', 2020.